Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What if I told you Reiki could help with weight loss?

Emotions are a major contributor to weight issues ( there are others for another post ). If you are feelings vulnerable, scared, or you feel a need for protection, then you put on weight, which acts as a barrier and defense for you to protect yourself from the outside world. These emotions could be from something that happened to you as a child, like a traumatic event or bullying. These emotions that are repressed/not dealt with can cause blockages in the energy fields of the body, and if the blockage is left long enough, it results in physical manifestations in the form of illness/dis-ease.
If emotional blockages are found in the sacral and/or solar plexus chakras, they relate to over/undereating, addictions and will power. They create the disruption in your bodily systems, making it difficult to impossible to lose weight. In other words – TREAT THE EMOTIONAL, HEAL THE PHYSICAL for long term health and weight loss!
One effect Reiki has on the nervous system in the reduction of stress hormones in the bloodstream that incline the body to hold weight. Other possibilities include improved overall digestive functions, detoxification, improved sleep, enhanced hormonal balance (endocrine system). Listening to your body, gravitating to what it truly needs, less emotional eating, being more aware of your body’s nutritional needs, feeling better overall and feeling better about oneself are some of the results you will experience. The better we feel, the more likely we will make the choices and the effort that improve well-being. Reiki really can be a great place to start for life long health and wellness.

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